
The Season of Goodwill

December 17, 2018

Everywhere we look at this time of year, we’re surrounded by the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping: colleagues planning Secret Santa presents, endless parcels being delivered to the office, and the prospect of dashing out on our lunch hours to brave the shops. ’Tis the season to be jolly – and to give generously to others.


But as we all know, giving isn’t just something we do at Christmas; for many it’s an all year round activity. In fact, one of the nicest things about being part of a sociable workplace is the opportunity to get involved in charitable activities together, from cake bakes and raffles to charity auctions and sponsored runs.


At Time, we’re doing something extra special this festive season. In January, our Director Caroline Burns will be leaping out of her comfort zone – quite literally! Caroline is making a special trip to Australia, where she will skydive with her daughter to raise funds for two fantastic local causes:


  • Social Bite is a social enterprise on a mission to end homelessness in Scotland. As well as running cafés throughout Scotland, distributing 100,000 items of food and drink to homeless people every year and providing presents at Christmas, Social Bite runs an ambitious programme building villages to help homeless people get back on their feet. You can find out more about their incredible efforts to make Scotland a better place at


  • Edinburgh Headway Group, meanwhile, has been supporting adults with acquired brain injuries and their families for over 30 years, aiming to empower and enrich their lives through high quality rehabilitation services. You can find out more about their fantastic work here:


Jumping out of a plane at great heights will be a real adventure, but Caroline is up to the challenge! She has been so delighted to receive such generous support for her fundraising activities so far, and if you’d like to join in with our festive giving this Christmas, all donations to these two inspirational causes are most welcome:


Watch this space for a skydiving update in January… In the meantime, from all of us at Time, we thank you for your generosity, and we wish you a joyful Christmas and an adventurous new year!


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